Health & Safety

BSA's Commitment to Safety

We want you to know that the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees is an important part of the Scouting experience. Youth develop traits of citizenship, character, fitness, and leadership during age-appropriate events when challenged to move beyond their normal comfort level, and discover their abilities. This is appropriate when risks are identified and mitigated.

The Scouting program, as contained in our handbooks and literature, integrates many safety features. However, no policy or procedure will replace the review and vigilance of trusted adults and leaders at the point of program execution.

Commit yourself to creating a safe and healthy environment by:

  • Knowing and executing the BSA program as contained in our publications
  • Planning tours, activities, and events with vigilance using the tools provided
  • Setting the example for safe behavior and equipment use during program
  • Engaging and educating all participants in discussions about hazards and risks
  • Reporting incidents in a timely manner

Thank you for being part of the Scouting movement and creating an exciting and safe experience for every participant. 


Certificates of Insurance Requests

When another organization requests that they be provided a Certificate of Insurance, usually when a unit (pack or troop, etc.) is renting or otherwise utilizing the property or facilities of another group, a certificate can be requested using the Certificate of Insurance Request Form (see downloads area below). 

Please complete the form and return to your District Executive and allow two (2) weeks minimum for processing. Approved certificates will returned by email after processing. 

Incident Reporting

Anytime an incident occurs when persons are injured - or even when there was almost an injury (a 'near-miss'), leaders are requested to provide an Incident Report (download below). These reports are compiled to give volunteer and staff risk managers a big-picture view of risk areas so that Scouting can continue to become safer and safer. Please provide this form whenever ANY incident occurs, preferably within three days of the incident.

Unauthorized and Restricted Activities

The Boy Scouts of America’s general liability policy provides coverage for a bodily injury or property damage claim that is made and arises out of an official Scouting activity. The Guide to Safe Scouting contains a listing of unauthorized and restricted activities. Unauthorized activities are not considered official Scouting activities.

Volunteers (registered and unregistered), units, chartered organizations, and local councils are jeopardizing insurance coverage for themselves and their organization by engaging in unauthorized activities. 

Please do not put yourself at risk.

File Name Description
BSA Health Form: Part A & B Download
BSA Health Form: Part ABC Download
Certificate of Insurance Request Form Download
First Aid Log Book Download
Incident Descriptions & Definitions Download